
This is a site to showcase some of the fictional outpourings and attempts of Richard Prediger, aka “thelyniezian”. The name of the site reflects the imaginary country the author originally made up as a boy, and some of the stories to be published here use the country (or some version of it) as a setting, though by no means all. Really, the author wanted a snappy sounding name, and it came to pass.

The fictional Lyniezia itself is a non-existent island nation in a world otherwise identical to our own, with its own idiosyncratic culture and traditions (and the vague beginnings of a language) which will be fleshed out bit by bit as the stories develop. It is to some extent a reflection of the author’s past and present ideals and, perhaps, wishful thinking, which hopefully will be elaborated upon here as the blog develops. There are different ‘alternate reality’ versions of the country too, including a more mundane version and a somewhat more whacky one which invades and annexes countries on alternate-reality Earths with oppressive regimes in the name of liberating them from tyranny. (There is a little wish fulfilment, and more than a little satire intended there.)

Whilst many of the stories will be of a vaguely alternate world/science fantasy type bent, there will be occasions where they are a little more ‘slice of life’ type works (if that is the correct expression) and focus on more mundane matters of characters’ lives, for example the (as yet incomplete) A Not-So-Brief Encounter.

Another common thread to the stories you will find here is the tales relating to open-source character Jenny Everywhere, a goggles-and-scarf wearing dimension-hopping adventurer who exists in all possible realities at once. This character is not of the author’s creation but being an open-source character, the author decided he might have a bit of fun with her.

You will tend to find there is some humour sprinkled throughout, indeed a few stories which are nothing more than silly parodies, and some more serious attempts.

It is worth noting the author is very much a beginner when it comes to writing fiction, and his writing is currently only a hobby. Many of the stories are still unfinished or works in progress, may occasionally contain a few mistakes (which will be edited out wherever they are spotted) and probably won’t be up to professional standard. The purpose of sharing them here (or on the main Republic of Lyniezia blog) is for the purposes of sharing and critique in a hope to hone the author’s craft. Constructive criticism is much welcomed in the comments as long as it is kept relevant and reasonably respectful. Or if you think it’s a steaming pile of proverbial crap, you can say that as well. (Just try to be slightly nice, okay?)

Unless noted (careless omissions aside), all works are copyright of the author and may not be reproduced without permission except for fair use purposes.

This blog is not currently intended as a money-making venture and no donations are sought.

Some stories posted here may contain themes and occasionally language which some people may find unpleasant or offensive, and such things the author does not necessarily condone in real life. Please pay attention to content warnings at the beginning of each post, and exercise appropriate caution when reading. This blog is not intended for reading by children.